Hello. :D


Deleted User

Hi! 8D

My name is Melissa. I've been playing Animal Crossing since... 2006. But I didn't get my own game until 2007. =P I have AC:WW and AC:CF and WiFi for both.

I'm on a few other Animal Crossing forums, but I'd heard a bit about this one and decided to check it out. :3
Hm, your name isn't related to the Thousand Foot Krutch song of the same name is it? (probably not but it's worth a shot)
Well anyway, welcome to The Bell Tree. :)

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Actually, it is, Comatose. x) I love that song. And TFK. TFK is awesome.
And, you like Skillet? =D Skillet is my favorite band ever!

Thank you, everyone! ^_^