• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Hello everyone! I'd love to get to know some people here!


Junior Member
Oct 16, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Hello, my name is April and I really don't know why I haven't made an account here sooner :)

Feel free to add me as a friend and come visit my developing town.

Gah, I'm not great at introductions ^^' but I will put down some stuff

-Marshal is my dreamie (yeah I know yet another Marshal worshipper)
-I want my town to be covered in flowers, you can never have to many flowers.
-I'm super picky about my villagers, I know you shouldn't judge someone by their looks but dang there's some ugly animals out there.
-Melba is an absolute sweetheart and should be protected at all costs.

So yeah, I hope to make at least a few friends here, it would be a little sad otherwize. I love ACNL and am a very active player and I'd love to be more involved in the community.

Thank you for reading :)
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Hello! I'm actually new here myself. c: Still getting used to...pretty much everything. Haha. So far, I've met nothing but kind folks, so it's been a nice experience. I hope it's the exact same for you. c:

By the way, I agree with you on the whole "picky about neighbors" thing. Some of them really are quite hideous.
Hi there!

Yeah I'm still navigating my way around, I'll get used to it soon enough :) It's nice to know I'm not the only one who shun's the unsightly. When Chadder's moved in awhile back I didn't want to eat cheese for weeks, damn that ugly mouse.
Alright, that definitely caused me to almost completely spill my drink. Haha. Yes, that damn walking cheese ball. Good thing he's never moved into my town. I don't like having villagers that remind me of food either. Maybe if they looked like ice cream though. On a cone, of course.
I don't know why the idea of a ice cream villager without a cone amuses me haha. The only food villager I approve is is Meringue, she is nice on the eyes.
Feel free to add me! I just restarted my town cuz it deleted itself -.-
Im an AC player since the first AC game. I also love flowers and Im pretty active.
Feel free to add me! I just restarted my town cuz it deleted itself -.-
Im an AC player since the first AC game. I also love flowers and Im pretty active.

I'll add you later tonight :) And you lost your town?? damn that sucks, my heart goes out to you..