Hello! It feels good to be back here. The site seems to have updated so much since I was last on here. Then again the last time I was here I was in middle school and now i'm 27 going on 28 this Wedsday. So while i'm not new i am lol if that makes any sense. You can call me Sakura. I love seeing how many people love Animal Crossing here. My best friend lives in Iowa so I don't have anyone to converse with about the game. I still remember seeing the Game Cube version in the video game rental store for the first time. I've played every single version. My favorite is New Leaf while my least favorite was City Folk. I work at home so I get to set my own hours, which leaves time for gaming. Right now i'm playing Pocket Camp which is super fun! I just wish we could talk with people. Like thanking them for giving us things. My favorite villager has always been inbetween Rosie, Bob and Portia. Probably because they were the first ones I had in my GC village. Oh! and K.K Slider. He's awesome! I love to make new friends! So if you want to add me i'd love to have you!
Hey, how's a goin' And welcome back to the bell tree forums. I'm somewhat new here but everyone here is super nice. I'm currently here for chatting and looking for new friends as well, that stinks about your best friend, I guess Iowa's far away from you. Also I like the name Sakura. I've been playing animal crossing since I was 8, my first game was wild world and I got it for Christmas in the year 2008, been addicted to the game ever since. I'm currently working on a New Leaf town with mostly herbivore herd animals such as Savannah, Zell, Lopez, Erik, and Beau. Although my absolute favriote villagers won't be there though, I'm saving them for the switch game. My top 3 villager are Biskit, Walt, and Colton. And I love your top 3 too, I have especially fond memories of Portia. And I consider KK Slider to be the only true modern musician of our time lol. My friend code is 5258 5573 3412, and if you want to play tommorow that'll be great because I'm recovering from a cough and I'd love the in game animal crossing company.