Hello everyone, new mayor in town, welcome to L'Oculto


Elucidating Concepts
Feb 22, 2016
Hello you may call me Ilustra, or you may call me by my mayor's name: Wirt.... hmm... does that name is famiiar to you?

Well, if it is, it may be because you watched (and probably) loved Over the Garden Wall (OTGW), a mini series aired in cartoon network (if you haven't seen the series go now, it is a fantastic work of only 10 episodes).

And because of that I decided to make my AC:NL town arond that theme.... of course it would be quite the impossible task to recreate all tthe world of the unknown in the game, so I'm creating the world of L'Oculto loussly based in the aforementioned world....

I want to make some kind of story around the town, with each of my 10 villagers linked to one of the episodes... thought I'm not the kind of mayor that moves the villagers around the town until they settle where I want... I rather let them be...

My dreamed characters (and the episode I'm linking them) are: Lucky (chapter 1), Biskit (chapter 2), Lopez (3), Merengue (4), Tia (5), Bam (6), Coco (7), Roscoe (8), Kyle (9), and Bruce will represent the final chapter...

The reason I choosed each villager for each chapter was based on the Dante's Inferno theory... I don't know how to place spoiler alerts here so... this part must wait...

Of course I'm taking some amm... narrative licenses? , making my town's events happening after the ones in OTGW.... I still have lots of character construction and story making for my town....

Why all this effort? , well I love to draw, and if I get the inspiration and determination, I'll make some drawings following all this ideas and concepts in a future....


TL;DR - Hi, I'm new...
I have never heard of this cartoon before, so I googled it,
and this has 99% on rotten tomatoes! I'm so intrigued right now,
going to watch it now, the poster looks awesome,
and hopefully I can comment on the villagers that you have chosen after watching it c:
btw, welcome to the forum! See you around c:

Thank you :3 and yes, you'll love the cartoon, it is a pretty awesome work, it took plenty of time to be made but it worth it... it even has official comics now and I belive they are planing a sequel to the series, but I'll tell nothing more to avoid spoiling everything.

I'll waith to see your comments :D
Wow, sounds like a really cool themed town! I'll have to check the show out too! Welcome to the forums btw. :)
thanks :3 it is still pretty far from being finished but I'm working hard in that
Welcome to the forums!!
Your idea sounds amazing :) I'm always so jealous (in a good way) of people who can think up these wonderful towns and themes and actually get them to work. I have zero imagination on this sort of thing, my town is very boring and I've had it quite a while now haha :)
Be sure to let us know when it's done as I love visiting dream addresses :)
Thank you, and I will pist my dream adress once I have finished, at least 50% of my town :)