Hi there!
I pretty much just made an account on here to distract myself from the pain of Chief my number 1 dreamy leaving without warning orz
Anyway you can just call me Apple as that's my mayor name and I'm hoping to make a friend or two in this fandom as I currently have none in the fandom so feel free to message me~✿
Alongside of cycling for Chief I'm currently trying to make my town which is hopefully going to turn out to be a nice looking forest but sadly it's a bit hard to get the cedar saplings/bushes you want as they only sell once a day
So hopefully one day I'll have a wonderful forest town~!
I pretty much just made an account on here to distract myself from the pain of Chief my number 1 dreamy leaving without warning orz
Anyway you can just call me Apple as that's my mayor name and I'm hoping to make a friend or two in this fandom as I currently have none in the fandom so feel free to message me~✿
Alongside of cycling for Chief I'm currently trying to make my town which is hopefully going to turn out to be a nice looking forest but sadly it's a bit hard to get the cedar saplings/bushes you want as they only sell once a day
So hopefully one day I'll have a wonderful forest town~!