Hello Everyone!


Junior Member
May 1, 2016
I've been playing ACNL since it came out but i never thought to join the fun till now. I was just wondering what I should expect from this site?
Welcome to the forums! :)

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You can do many things like:
Buy art.
Messing around in the basement with other members or talk with others in Brewster's Cafe.
Buying items and villagers with TBT or IGB.
Getting collectibles.
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One quick question, if i want to get fruit for my town, where do I go and what do I do?
One quick question, if i want to get fruit for my town, where do I go and what do I do?

Then you would want to post in The Train Station (AC:NL Online) and create a new thread and just post what kinda fruit you are looking for.

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You could even post on the Retail board too.
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Welcome to TBT, hope you enjoy your stay here~! c:
The best way is from friends towns. There's also fruit on the island you can bring back to your town :)