I haven't been a long time Animal Crossing fan (only since late 2016), and I can't say I'm a huge fan but I do still enjoy playing and lately I find myself playing a little more often. I doubt I will be very active here, and due to social anxiety I probably won't talk to many people unless they reach out to me first, but I thought it would be nice to be part of a forum for Animal Crossing since as I said I have been playing it more. To be honest I registered mostly in hopes of being able to trade with someone to get the hammer from the island, ever since seeing my friend with one I've just wanted one and as with most things I've had no luck.
I won't say much about myself here as there isn't a lot to say, though if anyone wanted to know more I'm sure I would be okay to say. I've dealt with anxiety and depression most of my life, which has made things very difficult for me so I'm not exactly in a very good place. I mostly play games and listen to music as that's about all I have. As I'm sure you can tell I really enjoy the Zelda games, it's probably my favorite game franchise. I do enjoy a pretty large variety of games, and while I won't call myself a fanboy I do prefer Nintendo consoles and their games more than the other companies.
So yeah, as I said I probably won't post much or reach out to anyone but I would still love to make a friend or two that I could possibly play New Leaf or maybe even other games with.
Hello and welcome. c: There are a bunch of friendly people who would be glad to help you out and connect in general. I could give you a toy hammer at no cost; just let me know if you'd be interested. As I do have GAD, I can somewhat relate to what you deal with on a daily basis so it's no rush at all on my offer.
Anyway, happy holidays and hope to talk again if you'd like.
Hope that you enjoy using this forum and as some one that suffers from anxiety as well I know how hard it is to be the one to reach out first, if you ever need some one to chat too i'll be down to listen! Enjoy your time here ^^
@rianne I will definitely take you up on your offer, it would be silly not to. I just have to work up the courage for it as even something as simple as that can be tough for me to do, especially with anyone I don't know very well.
It may sound silly to some people, but for me even social interactions online can be tough. Messages like this are okay most times, as are things like emails and private messages on forums since I can take my time, but when it comes to any sort of instant messaging or any kind of live chat or interaction that's when I start to have trouble. Right now I only have two people I really chat with, and it took me months of things like emails and private messaging before I felt comfortable enough to do any sort of live chat.
I'm glad to see that I'm not alone with my anxiety here, and I hope none of you that deal with it have it too badly since I know how tough it can make things. I'll definitely try and be more social than usual, though no promises there haha. Thank you for the friend request @Tee-Tee, I will try and message you whenever I can kick that anxiety to the side.
c: If you don't mind, I will send a friend request your way for when you're ready. It's the holiday season so things are pretty hectic; therefore, it's even more of a "no rush" situation. I keep to myself a lot IRL and online (it's just how I've always been) and some days it's tough to tell my anxiety to stop or quiet the inner critic. Games like Animal Crossing really helped me though.
Welcome to the forums . I too struggle with social interactions online and irl. I have always been very shy since I was little and when I got older, I found out that I have severe social anxiety so I know it can be tough reaching out to people first cause I struggle with it as well.
@rianne I went ahead and accepted the friend request, though there's definitely no rush especially with holidays and everything. Right now I'm trying to build up the courage to do the live chat with Amazon about a fake Gamecube memory card I bought recently, and I can't even do that. I find games in general to be a good way to get around the anxiety, as it usually helps to find those that share any common interest in games.
@Firelight thank you!
@Mythic Diamond I hope it's not too bad for you. Most people don't understand what dealing with something like that can be like, especially severe cases. Even to this day I can barely talk to those very few people I call my friends, and I can barely talk to family either. It's such a pain, and has led to much more serious problems.
I hope the holiday season isn't too crazy for you, I was overwhelmed for a good 2 weeks. D: But gah that sounds terrible, I had to call Nintendo about transferring data to my new DS system a few months ago and it was so nervewracking. Thankfully the CS employee was patient. Sorry that the memory card was a bust.