Hey Everyone my name is Rony or Tudor I'm 23 years old I work full time between two jobs. but I always make time to play games that I find interesting like New Leaf (So Excited!). I live in New York and cant wait to play this game
I haven't played Animal Crossing in years I skipped City Folk only because I had no Wii at the time. I loved the Gamecube version and WW was awesome. The only thing I wish I had during that time were some more friends who were more interested in AC which is why I'm here I really hope to find some friends on this board who would want to play this game I know this game is going to awesome
Cant wait to get know you guys
I haven't played Animal Crossing in years I skipped City Folk only because I had no Wii at the time. I loved the Gamecube version and WW was awesome. The only thing I wish I had during that time were some more friends who were more interested in AC which is why I'm here I really hope to find some friends on this board who would want to play this game I know this game is going to awesome
Cant wait to get know you guys