My name is Yuffie and I've been playing Animal Crossing since a few years, the first AC I ever played was the original game for GameCube.
I am from germany though I can't play AC New Leaf right now. It will be released in June.
Because I'm from germany sorry about my bad english.
Besides AC I like to play Harvest Moon (Tale of two towns, Rune Factory), Pok?mon, Final Fantasy and other J-RPGs.
I hope I'll find some new friends here. My 3DS-friend code: 1676 - 3741 - 0972.
So... Hello everyone!
I am from germany though I can't play AC New Leaf right now. It will be released in June.
Because I'm from germany sorry about my bad english.
Besides AC I like to play Harvest Moon (Tale of two towns, Rune Factory), Pok?mon, Final Fantasy and other J-RPGs.
I hope I'll find some new friends here. My 3DS-friend code: 1676 - 3741 - 0972.
So... Hello everyone!
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