Hello Fellow Bell Tree Users

Shiny Star

State Alchemist
Jul 28, 2009
Pear (Fruit)
I joined this site from EAC (Everything Animal Crossing.) and for some reason they don't like this site. Ever a stranger reason animalcrossingboy advertised this site there. (Which I don't get if he hates it.) I thought this was a pretty cool site so I clicked the join button

About me

Well I'm a girl and I'm 14. I love Animal Crossing, I am from the U.K so I get Pal games. I am guessing this site is from the U.S.A as it says .com In the U.K all our sites have co.uk I play video games almost all day, and for an hour or two I read a book.

See you around,

Love Shiny Star.

P.S I love your smilies. :D
Welcome :D
I hope you enjoy it here at TBT, and I like your avatar and signature ;)
Specially that border.
rafren said:
She came from another forum so she should have good grammar. <_<
Yes but i know some people who have come from another forum and have bad grammar
The JJ said:
rafren said:
She came from another forum so she should have good grammar. <_<
Yes but i know some people who have come from another forum and have bad grammar
True.But people from the UK usually have good grammar
In this case I have OK grammar as if I can't spell a word I replace it with another, making my grammer horrible, but usually I try to have good grammar.