hello friends i am here


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2013
I've already made a few posts on the forum, but I haven't made a intro thread yet. So I decided that I would.

Hi, I'm Shishi-Oh. I've also gone by the usernames of Muichimonji and CobaltCrystal (which I normally just shorten to Cobalt). Feel free to call me any of those.
I'm female and from the US. I also have a hard time talking to people, so if anything I say seems short or weird, that's probably why.
I joined Bell Tree for the release of New Leaf. I figured it would be a good place to find people to WiFi with and such.
Aside from Animal Crossing, some of my favorite video game series are Soul Calibur, Pokemon, Yume Nikki (and its fangames), Koei Warriors, and Earthbound/MOTHER.
One of my biggest interests outside of video games is Japanese history, especially samurai. If there's a samurai character in a video game, chances are they are (or will be) my favorite character.
That's about it. I really don't know how I should end this post, so I'll just leave my 3DS code here.

My Friend Code is: 2578-3115-5965
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Hey, thanks for the lengthy intro! You mentioned the Samurai- what are your favourite Samurai films?
An intro never hurts. A lot of us are here primarily for NL so you'll fit right in!