Hello from San Francisco! :blush:


Junior Member
Jun 23, 2013
Hello everyone,

My name is Joy! I'm in my early twenties and I've been playing Animal Crossing since it came out for the Gamecube! I just bought a brand new 3DS XL on Wednesday just so I could play ACNL! I can't believe I splurged just to play this game, but I am very happy that I did!

My character name is Joy and my town name is Peachpit. If you would like to be friends, feel free to add me and let me know! I usually will leave a message on my Mii if my gate is open, so keep an eye out for that if you add me as a friend.

Welcome to TBT! Sure you'll enjoy your stay and make some AC friends! Feel free to add me if you wish, just drop me a message if you do :)
Welcome to the forums, Joy! I'm in my early 20s as well so we have that in common. :3
Welcome to the forums! San Francisco is a beautiful city, isn't it? I'm not from the USA, so I think all the big US-cities are great, but San Francisco is a dream! :D I will add you as a friend if you want to.