Hello, hello!


Jul 23, 2015
Hello, Bell Tree Forums! I've been looking for a good forum for Animal Crossing for a time, and had heard this place has a nice, active community. So! Here's me taking the plunge in joining. [:

I'm a veteran AC player, having enjoyed every installment since the gamecube. I purchased New Leaf on release date and founded my first NL town, Valaera. Valaera had a great run that spanned over the next five or so months, but the release of X&Y and frustrations with elements of my town led to a very lengthy hiatus.

Unhappy with aspects of my file but unwilling to delete it, I decided to set out and purchase a new copy of the game. This way, I could begin fresh but keep all the achievements of my prior file. So, at the end of April this year, Riverden, my current main town, was founded!

Riverden has made leaps and bounds since then. With the help of my old file and many, many hours of dedication, its been established with landscaping, public works, and all the makes of a fledged town. I'm quite proud of it, if I don't say so myself! If you would like to take a look around, my Dream Address is: 5400-5659-7352 | Mayor: Heather.

What I'm looking for in my experience here:
  • Definitely some feedback! One of the beauties of Animal Crossing is expressing ourselves, which has never been more relevant since New Leaf! I'm eager to show off my town/achievements and celebrate others doing the same.
  • Trading items, especially rare ones such as four leaf clovers.

Thanks if you gave any of that a read! Happy ACing!
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Welcome to TBT! I think you'll have a great time here :)