Hello! I am new here, looking to make friends and exchange friend codes. :D


Junior Member
Nov 24, 2015
Name: Evodence
Town: Chocko
Friend Code: 2294 6755 8908

Me (38), my son (8), and my daughter (7) all play New Leaf everyday. We've been anxious to make friends and visit new towns, but are just getting around to doing so now.

If you're open to letting us visit your town, please friend us and provide us with your code. We currently have mango, bananas, cherries, pears, apples, and durian in ours.

We typically play in the early evenings, between 5 and 8 pm, Pacific time.

Thank you much!
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Well howdy to you and your family! Good to see that parents are actually engaging with their kids and their video games. Currently, I am just starting out with my town (had this copy for about 10 days, but I've been a life long fan.) so I'm waiting for my town to grow some more before I open the gates for the first time. Do you play on one copy oor do you all have your own separate 3DS's? Cause I'd imagine a lot of fighting over whose turn it is takes place if its just the one copy.
Thank you, Tenshi.

At the moment, we all share a town (my son is Mayor) on one 3ds, but I hope to buy my daughter one for her birthday in January, with her own copy of New Leaf. ;D

Sharing and taking turns can be a bit of challenge, but it all works out in the end.

If and when you're ready to venture out to visit other places, feel free to swing by our place!
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