Hello, Im Bridget!


Deleted User

Hello Everyone!
My name is Bridget. I am new to the whole Animal Crossing thing and to be honest with you, I think if I could make some friends to play with Id enjoy the game more. Im 23, and a nice person. I currently live on the East Coast and I tend to play like around 7, 8 for a few hours...you might catch me on late at night too. Id love to get out of my town, and have a few people come visit my town! The name of my town is Ganja :0) My friend code is 3266-5345-2556. Please stop by...I have cherries in my town?...
I just need someone to come to my town and buy something at nooks...maybe plant a tree. please. dont make me beg
Welcome to tbt im roblox I used to play then I got hacked. I will visit your town but I will never open my gates sorry but I hope to see your town.
Hope you find some nice friends, and that you don't get easily bored with Animal Crossing. It's a fun game as long as you have things to keep you busy. :)