Hello, I'm Cora!

Mar 21, 2016
Hello everyone! My name is Cora, and I have recently started the process of restarting my Animal Crossing account in hopes of making my dream town. I am so happy to see the resources available in The Bell Tree, and I can't wait to be a part of the community present here. I am definitely open to making friends here, and really hope for that to happen. I am interested in cute characters and towns, especially faux water themed towns. Before I completely delete my current game, I might do some villager cycling to get some TBT. It would be very fast paced, and I assume there would be many top tiers due to me not caring about my current villagers. If you are interested, I would love if you added me as a friend! I also was wondering if anyone would be able to hold some of my stuff this weekend as I reset my game. I would definitely pay, TBT or in-game, for a trustworthy player who could hold my stuff as I transferred the contents of one game over to the next. It would probably take no more than 10 minutes, max 20. If you would be willing to help out, and have a good wifi rating, I would be very grateful!
I can't wait to talk to all of you guys, and I am really happy to be on this site. If you have any tips for me, I would love to hear them!
Thanks again, and nice to meet you!