Hello, is it me you're looking for?


Junior Member
Dec 17, 2015
Winter Mittens
Hi I am a 14 year old girl from England who LOVES animal crossing (and pokemon but that's not for this site). I've been playing since wild world and I've run my new leaf town since the game first came out. As my name suggests my favourite villager is Wolfgang, I'd love to buy him from someone if possible...but anyway, people say im lucky, how lucky? I dunno. I happen to have two of the top tier villagers in my town (Marshal and Diana). I also love art and im pretty good with clothing designs. I hope I can get along with fellow AC fans
actually, pokemon is extremely popular on this website and you can even purchase pokemon from our users.
i'm sure if you visit the villager trading plaza, someone would be willing to sell you wolfgang or give him away to you for free however looking for threads are not allowed, you'll have to search for the opportunity.
welcome to the forums!
Welcome to TBT!
I'm a huge fan of Pokemon myself and there's a sub-forum dedicated to it so you'll be fine!