Hello pug here


Junior Member
May 24, 2016
Hi, My name is Chelle!

I just got my 3DS XL two days ago along with ACNL and I don't think i've put it down once!
I sense an addiction coming.

anyway, I'm in college. I live in Southern CA. I love animals, make up, and I'm a huge foodie.

I don't know how to add friends yet or what my friend code is even but feel free to leave yours
and when I figure out how to add people I will add u

btw, I need a golden axe. know where i can buy one or get one? If anyone is willing to trade, I am willing to buy.
Welcome to The Bell Tree!!
Im sure you will enjoy it here :)
There is lots to do and a lot of really nice people.
If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or post on my wall.