Hello! Ryoku here! :D


Bell Tree Noob :c
Aug 28, 2014
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Hello friends!

Wow I totally skipped this thread by accident, didn't even to think to look around after I signed up. ><
I'm actually extremely new to Animal Crossing, Started Aug.11/14, even more new to these forums.

I've been really enjoying my stay here so far since everyone seems to be incredibly nice!
Still adjusting and trying to understand how everything works around here! :D
Although I am new, I love helping people out in any way I can!

I enjoy Cosplaying/Fashion/Gaming on my spare time and deal with video work/motion design as a career!
If anyone else is into Cosplaying let me know! I would love to meet other cosplayers/new friends in general that play ACNL as well!

My current town goes by the name of Leafa. My current residents/dreamies are in my signature if you are interested!

I'm incredibly happy that I was lucky enough to have gotten Ankha from sunkyung and am extremely greatful for such kindness! After such an event like that, I am inspired to try and help others out as well in the future as others have helped me!

I think that is about it for my introduction and I hope to meet more of you all!

Take care!
- Ryoku
Welcome! My name is Sky, and I'm new as well. I'm also interested in cosplaying, although I've only completed one character (Stocking from Panty & Stocking). ^^
Welcome! My name is Sky, and I'm new as well. I'm also interested in cosplaying, although I've only completed one character (Stocking from Panty & Stocking). ^^

Welcome as well then Sky!

Awesome! I've done a couple! I think my favorite of my cosplays so far was as Kirito! :D
Here: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/992933_515072918546838_1789735737_n.jpg?oh=2a3b6f94bdfa036e08669a907477ea23&oe=5479B3C7&__gda__=1415327886_c53708c67edb39a2e22a807bc78dc237

My most recent cosplay though was Konoha from Mekaku City Actors though! Most of the picture ^^ I love dressing up for conventions!

Welcome to the forums!

Thank you! :D
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Boop! Ohaithere, didn't know you were new too c:

Hopefully we'll see each other around o/
Boop! Ohaithere, didn't know you were new too c:

Hopefully we'll see each other around o/

Hi Oceano! Welcome to TBT as well friend! I'm sure we'll bump into eachother sooner or later!

Welcome to TBT!! [:

Thank you! ^^!~

I'm new too c: I just started playing NL like a week ago.

Awesome! Welcome to New Leaf and TBT as well! This game is amaaaaaaaziing! SO TIME CONSUMING TOO @___@ BUT TIME CONSUMED WELL! ^^!

Hey Ryoku, welcome to the forums! :blush:

Thank you! ^^!~