Hello there all, I'm Sazzy~


May 14, 2016
Hello!! It's taken me a few days to work up the courage to make a post here, but I got there in the end!

I used to be active on the forum ACC back around 2009 with WW, and when New Leaf came out I thought I'd get back into it, but as we couldn't play online with our old internet router, I never did. But since I've moved out, I can play online, and as I somehow kept ending up on TBT when I was looking up game information, I figured I ought to create an account!

I've been playing New Leaf on and off since the game was released, but I'm only just now seriously working towards getting badges and perfect town and whatnot, so I'm spending a lot of time in the game :blush:

I'm very excited to try make some new friends, as friends made through Animal Crossing are always the best kind of friends! (Seriously, most of my real-life friends are people I met through the game over the years, it's amazing.)
Welcome to Bell Tree! I'm sure you'll get to make a lot of friends here :) Enjoy your stay!
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Welcome to the forums! you'll probably see me on here a lot, so don't be afraid to say hi! I agree, online friends are the best friends. I hope you enjoy it here at the forums!
Hi and welcome to belltree hope you make a bunch of friends and loads of fun. : )
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!! It's going to take me a while to get the hang of this site (especially notifications??) but I'm enjoying it so far :)
Welcome! I hope you make tons of friends, enjoy the forums! c: