Hello there! c:


Cupcake Slumber Party
Jan 18, 2013
Yellow Candy
My name is Marjet, a 18 year old girl from the Netherlands! I've been playing
Animal Crossing since it ever came out on the Game Cube and I've been addicted
to the game ever since then. When Animal Crossing came out for the DS I
started playing Wild World for a while, then headed over when Animal Crossing
City Folk came out for the Wii. I still play AC:CF but really I'm just waiting for
New Leaf to come out. I'm sooo excited! (Like probably everyone out here.)
I keep watching videos on Youtube like LinandKo's & WIIFolderJosh and imagining
how I'd do this, that or this. I love to design patterns on the AC games & make
my town as beautiful as it can be by adding flowers and paths.

I also have an account on the Animal Crossing Community, but I find that there're
a lot of child-ish people on there.. I don't mean anyone is. But with all the Giveaways
and "Who want 9,999,999 bells?!?!" topics, I kind of loose interest in the game.
This forum seems to be more my thing!

Feel free to ask anymore questions about me, I don't bite! ^.^
welkom 2 tbt

ACC sux!!!1

I also have an account on the Animal Crossing Community, but I find that there're
a lot of child-ish people on there

Lately we've been having this problem from a few members. Please don't let that discourage you from staying, I assure you that most of the time the majority of our site is mature and polite.
Hi Marjet! I have an account at ACC, too, but I find some of their posting rules to be a bit restrictive. They chastised me for something really tame, and I felt that it was pretty unnecessary. Seriously, I know from questionable remarks, and that was not bad. Anyways, welcome!
i said on acc dat tbt was better and dey were liek 'dis trollin' and i liek 'no dis advertising'


Yeah, mine was something along those lines. I was so tempted to "your mom" the mods after that.

Well, that, and their violation points stay with you forever. For example, the only two violation points I have were from 09 and 08.
Lately we've been having this problem from a few members. Please don't let that discourage you from staying, I assure you that most of the time the majority of our site is mature and polite.

Just watch out for me... I only bite people I hate.dis means you Jake

Oh, yeah, welcome! Whats you fc on cf I wanna wifi with you!
Thank you so much guys! I'll post my friendcode in my signature so you can see it. :) I'd like to Wifi with you as well!