Hello there, lovelies!


Once upon a time..
Jul 5, 2013
Yellow Candy
Heyaa everyone,

My name is Jo?lle and I am joining the Animal Crossing family!

I'm from originally from the Netherlands, but I'm a girl with a dream as well.. NYC one day we'll meet again! I love chatting about every kind of subject and at all times. I spend a lot of time with my friends and on my workout..

AC: New Leaf is the first AC game I'm playing, YES I am addited! what else can you say about this game!
I started about 3 days ago and I'm simply loving every bit of this game!

If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to visit my profile!

~ Lots of love
welcome to the bell tree, joelle!! always great to have another animal crossing fan in our community!
if you have any questions, please browse the forums, ask another member or post a thread :9 we'll be happy to help you out and have a most magnificent time both online here and in your new ac world~
Sounds great! Thank you for the warm welcome! :)

If you ever feel like playing together, let me know! I can visit your town if you'd like :)
Hi there Jo?lle! NYC? I will buy you a drink if you fly down- though for now, if you'll like some fruits & tools... send me a PM! 100x welcomes & enjoy the site! ^o^