Hello there! New here.


Junior Member
Jul 4, 2018
Hey there! Huge animal crossing fan going back to the original Gamecube game. I still play New Leaf to this day and have been playing it a lot more recently. I think it had to do with Nintendo not announcing the new title for Switch. :S I've been a active browser of this forum but am only now joining up today. I'm very much looking forward to chatting with you folks about the series and what comes next for it.

More about myself:

I'm a musician and sound designer by trade. I used to work at EA Games as a voice editor for Sims 4. I now work a day job as a projectionist and I compose music for small indie games. I also run a youtube channel where I cover and arrange video game music for live instruments. I actually just finished up a cover of 7pm from New Leaf which I think you guys might enjoy. I'll go ahead and post it in "The Museum" section of the forum if you are interested. I'm a huge lover of video game music and the AC series has some of my favorites tunes in all of gaming.

Thanks for having me and I hope to chat with you guys soon.:D
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Hello!! I just joined today as well! Animal Crossing has been a part of my life for a very long time and I will forever cherish this game series! I was hoping to find someone to play online with, I have never been able to utilize the online mode :/
Welcome to the forums! Hope you have a ball here!

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(Also I love video game music. I'm a big fan of Kingdom Hearts, Skyrim, and Bastion's soundtracks myself. ;D)
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