Hello to all!


Deleted User

Just figured I should introduce myself :) Hey everyone I'm luigiscap, but you can call me luigi! (heh jk)
I started with the first Animal Crossing on Gamecube and also play on Wii.
I'd really like to meet some other players over Wi-Fi so just message me for my friend code. :gyroiddance:
OMG I want Luigi's cap!
Welcome to TBT && I hope you like the community.
Any questions, drop me a pm.:)
Hi, welcome to the bell tree!


Try not to spam, please don't abuse the smilies, and enjoy your stay!


(misses his old forum intro greeting days Q.Q)

Hey, this is the bell tree, and I'm new here, too. :)

I play Wild World, but I'm guessing you play City Folk, but it seems more people play it, for one reason or another.

Hope you like the site, it's pretty fun.