Hello world!


Ask me about my heresy
Jan 18, 2014
Small Mailbox
En taru adun, my newfound forum! I am Alphamega, but you can also refer to me as Mewtini. Or Mewts. Or Mewy-kins. Or "poopface" if you wish. You may remember me from such films as, "You Now have a Sudden Urge to Yawn" and "Blinking and Breathing Manually: You're Doing it Now!" I'm also a nobel prize winner, have performed numerous secret raids on Al Qaeda, founder of the Chinese Communist party, and NOTHING I do or say should be taken seriously approximately 80% of the time. It will not end well for you otherwise.

Real talk now, I've been a fan of Animal Crossing since as long as I can remember, owning all four games and playing them numerous times, but I guess it's only recently that I've thought of being involved in the community. The reason I came to this decision probably has to do with the forum, and fandom as a whole that I used to participate in, falling apart at the seems. Especially the website I used to post on, which is now a hive of drama, inactive mods, and people who believe that the key to defeating the Illuminati is encoded somewhere in the Lord of the Rings, and that the decoder ring must be taken from Kanye West so that it can be thrown into some mountain in France that...uh...I guess Tolkien fought near during World War 1?

And I'm not even kidding with that last part. Poor guy's either delusional or a Grade A ruseman, in which case I applaud him.

But yeah, thanks to a combination of factors, I'm going to settle in a community with less drama and factionalism, and basically just one that's calmer in general. And seeing how I recently got Animal Crossing: New Leaf for Christmas, and I've been a big fan of the series all my life, it seemed only reasonable. Anyways, that's all I have to my tales of woe. Hopefully you can make me feel welcome here!
Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay here~

btw are you in irc?I've heard mewtini before haha
Why yes, I am. I was in their briefly before joining here, under the name of Mewtini, judging whether or not this seemed like a nice community.