Hello world!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
May 1, 2016
Purple Violet
White Violet
White Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Tasty Cake
Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd introduce myself! My name is Amy and I am mayor of Aurora. Aurora is the second town I have ever created in New Leaf since I first got the game in 2013.
As for the real me, I'm 16 years old (17 on the 26th of may) and I'm from Ireland :cool:
I have played Animal Crossing for most of my life, since Wild World and then City Folk and now New Leaf.

I'm new to the forums and very friendly so I'll always be up for Friend Code exchanges!
Please feel free to PM me! :lemon:
Welcome! The Bell Tree is a great community! You'll love it here!
welcome!!!, its great here!!! enjoy your time on this forum!!!
Welcome to the forums Amy! You will love it here! I love making friends and you seem like a nice friend! I can help you around if you like!

also feel free to ask me any questions :)
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Thanks everyone!! This seems like a lovely forum so I'm sure I'll have no trouble :D