

Aug 10, 2010
Hello, i'm new here obviously. You may recognize me from various other Animal Crossing websites. If not, oh well.
Hello, I think it is amazing that you are joining the Marine Corps. That is an amazing thing to do, God Bless America! And, welcome to TBT.
Zurmi said:
Hello, i'm new here obviously. You may recognize me from various other Animal Crossing websites. If not, oh well.

Welcome to The Bell Tree.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

Can't wait until my time comes to earn the title of United States Marine and keep not only this nation safe, but the entire world.
turtles fan? :3

welcome to the bell tree. most of the site is just spam/chat about games and music and such, but depending on the AC game, there's still plenty of discussion about it.

curious about the marine corps bit, you're going to enlist, or have already, and there's training, etc that you still have to do before enlisting, or however that works? (has no knowledge of how this/that works)

grats at that, though. good luck to you in everything, and thank you for keeping the country safe, and everything. that's just, if the site isn't your cup of tea and you leave, of course.

otherwise, welcome to teebeetee. hope you enjoy your stay.

/long welcome post