

Resident Suicune
Jul 3, 2022
Enchanted Bloom
Rebel Gnome
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
The Bell Tree Fair 2022 Patch
Father's Day Carnation
Hello! I'm new (just created an account a few days ago, but am only getting around to posting today!) I really fell in love with AC:NH (I got the game either the day of release or within a few days of release) and have poured over 700 hours into the game. I hope on making it to 1,000 hours, which will make it my first Switch game to do so! Well, thanks for reading!
Welcome to the forums 😊 Are you going for a particular theme for your nh town?
Hi, welcome to TBT! ^^ Good luck on your 1k hours goal! Are you still playing on your original island, or have you reset at all?
Welcome to the forums! 🥳

Is this your first AC game or have you played others too? Do you have a favourite villager?

I've played about 750 hours of ACNH so far. Good luck on your goal to get to 1000! 😊
Hello and welcome to The Bell Tree aka TBT!

Good luck on your goal to 1k hours! I reached that goal a year and a half ago. :)
Thank you everyone for the greetings! (Sorry it took a little bit to get back, was busy over the 4th)
Hi, welcome to TBT! ^^ Good luck on your 1k hours goal! Are you still playing on your original island, or have you reset at all?
I am still on my original island! I don't plan on resetting either, but I do plan on getting a new Switch, so I might buy AC again and make a second island on my old Switch!
Welcome to the forums! 🥳

Is this your first AC game or have you played others too? Do you have a favourite villager?

I've played about 750 hours of ACNH so far. Good luck on your goal to get to 1000! 😊
This is not my first AC game. My first was Wild World, though I didn't really "get" the game and was mostly confused (I was about 8 or so). I didn't start to enjoy the series until I got New Leaf when it came out, and I played that quite a bit (never played the Welcome Amiibo update however D:). My favorite villager is Goldie!
Goldie is such a great villager. The dog villagers are my favorite!
The dogs (and wolves) are my favorites as well! Aside from Ankha and eventually Shino, my final lineup is going to be dogs and wolves.
My lineup is very similar. My villagers were actually chosen based on color scheme and species. I have two wolves to be the leaders of the pack, along with eight dogs. They all follow an orange-brown color scheme. I needed the color coordination.
