Hi! My name is Arianna and I'm really excited about an Animal Crossing forum where I can find lots of friends and hopefully meet people who I will have the opportunity to wifi with, both in New Leaf (in the future) and on City Folk! I own ACG, AC:WW, and AC:CF, but I only have wifi capabilities for City Folk as of now. I've been playing Animal Crossing for approximately five years now, but I play off and on, and I had a habit of resetting my towns quite a bit when I was younger.
A bit else about me, I enjoy Rock Climbing, Ultimate Frisbee, and Slacklining in addition to playing video games. Some of my favorites aside from the AC series include the Professor Layton series and the Pokemon series. I'm a freshman in High School, and my favorite subjects are math, history, and Latin.
I look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully wifi-ing with you in the future!
A bit else about me, I enjoy Rock Climbing, Ultimate Frisbee, and Slacklining in addition to playing video games. Some of my favorites aside from the AC series include the Professor Layton series and the Pokemon series. I'm a freshman in High School, and my favorite subjects are math, history, and Latin.
I look forward to getting to know everyone and hopefully wifi-ing with you in the future!