Hi I'm new to the Forum but not to Animal crossing. I've had it since the First one came out. or a couple years after it did. I have Animal Crossing Population Growing, Animal Crossing Wild World and Animal Crossing City Folk. I've had New leaf reserved since August of 2011, so you can say I've been waiting for a while now. I'd like to start going on Wi-Fi with City Folk. I'd also like to trade or buy for some Halloween Items to complete my second story room. I have a Lighthouse in my town and a Fountain and the third Bridge.
So that's me can't wait to start hanging out here.
Thanks Joey! could anbody explain to me the whole Wi-Fi Situation because I don't want to have my Friend code and town Name and my characters name all up for grabs for anyone to get a hold of. I don't think it is, but is it a way for people to some how hack you? Also in order for someone to come to your town you must have them registered also, correct? Should i post this in a another Topic or is it fine here?