
Welecome to TBT. Recently we have been having staff problems but you don't need to worry. It's stopped.
[quote="] I See i have to ask why it say i have 865 or something like that bells? :| [/quote]
bells are the currency for when you buy stuff like sigs. When you do the admins do a transfer between the users.
Welcome to TBT, Link. I'm Smart Tech, local Admin here. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to talk to me through PMs or on MSN. I hope you enjoy your time here, as it is always a pleasure to have new people here.
[quote="] No prob man the mods here are nice unlike AXA i got kicked out wah woo well i like it here better!

:D [/quote]
well i'm sure you like it here everybody is usually nice.

^_^ So have a good time. Also I forgot to introduce myself, I an XGT/JJRamone2 call me what ever, anyways I'm a local sage and it would be my pleasure to help you in anyway.
[quote="] Nice to meet you XGT wow this place is great i have a questoin whats a "Sage"?... [/quote]
Its a member who kind of..rises above the rest but isn't quite enough to be a mod or admin.

[quote="] Wow cool u must of done some cool stuff to make it there. :lol: [/quote]
I just post a lot (kinda) and make intelegent remarks and add to topics well. I hav't been that nice lately but I'm gonna try to be more.
[quote="] I see well anyways you are being nice to me so thats a start :lol: nice talking with you. [/quote]
same to you. Anyways yeah...have a good time here at TBT