Hellooo :D I'm Marby!


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2013
Hi all!

I've been playing AC since DS lite, so I bought New Leaf on day of release!
I've been playing it non-stop since...
I even filled in the catalogue spreadsheet...! e__e' I guess I need to make a wishlist sometime to use on the forum..?

Still working things out on here! Hehe..

My Mayor: Marby
Town Name: Ghetto
Native Fruit: Cherries ♥

Outside of AC, I work as a game artist and live in London, UK.
I like drawing and gaming (I also game on Wii U, PS3 and PC.)
I like and wear lolita fashion too, I've been making some AC versions of dresses :>
I have a really derpy pet dog called Gizmo.

Nice to meet you all!
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Marby! Oooo, that listing is an intimidating reference to the massive catalog of items I've yet to... to catalog! @-@ Yes, if you're a fellow collector, please devise a Wishlist @ the Re-tail portal.

Trade for Bells or for like items & your thread will easily gain the attention it deserves!

Lastly, I have spare fruits & Silver tools to gift; send me a PM if you'll like them.

Enjoy the forums, Marby! =)
Welcome to forums! This place is amazing, lots of great people and posts to look through! I've seriously learned so much since joining!
Helluuu~ Welcome to the forums! You may add me if you'd like! Let me know if you do so I can return the favor!
It also seems like both of our outside AC activities are almost the same, except I'm a comic artist and voice actor. xD