

Senior Member
Apr 23, 2014
I'm not exactly NEW here, I've been lurking around on the site for over a year but I have decided to get more involved with the community.

Uhm, little about myself. My name is S?lah, I'm 22, I live in Las Vegas and I'm engaged to my man who is in the Air Force. He deploys to Kuwait in about 2 and a half weeks(which is why I've decided to actually engage with the forum instead of just being a peeping Tom.I'm probably going to be super active on the site for the next 6 months at least.) and we are expecting our first baby come early September :)

one of my hobbies is sewing and being crafty. I'm one of those people that will see something at a store, and decide to go home and make one myself. I wanted to go to fashion design school for a long time but decided against it.
I'm also REALLY into cooking, I love everything about it- especially the science. I can't bake to save my life though, mainly because I hate following recipes exactly as they're instructed... But you pretty much have to when it comes to baking. I can't even do the premade cookie dough packages right.

I've never played any of the earlier games, even though I owned Wild World a few years ago- I never actually GOT into it for some reason. I don't think I paid enough attention or looked up what the game was about before I bought it. But that being said, New Leaf is one of the few games I constantly play. It's probably number 2 on my current list, with the Fallout series being first.

Alright, I've rambled enough. If you ever want to hang out in a new town I'll post my friend code once my DS is done charging. My town is a work in progress so I'd love some visitors to stop by and give some advice on what to do with the blank spaces I have!
[size=-2]I know you posted this a little while ago, but I just wanted to say thank you for introducing yourself, and for deciding to get more involved! It's a pleasure to get to know you. :) Fallout is one of my favorite games, and I"m so excited for 4 this November!

Congratulations on your baby! I myself have a little one who is turning 1 at the end of July. Trust me, it's going to be a wonderful adventure for you both and one of the happiest! If you ever need any advice or want to talk mommy to mommy, I'm definitely here to share, learn and laugh along the way!

Without further ado, welcome (belatedly!) to the forums! :)[/size]