Help! CJ is stuck on a 1x1 island I made, and I cant


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2017

CJ is in my town. I want to sell fish to him, but I cannot access him. He is on a 1x1 island I built using island designer. I cannot jump to him and I cannot build to him because island designer doesn’t let you modify terrain when a character is near.

Any ideas on how I can reset his position?
just walk away from the area, villagers and npc seem to teleport. At least Rocket did whenever I trapped her in an enclosed area. Also you can try saving and restarting the game.
I believe if you save and quit the game then restart it, it should reset his position.
I’ve tried saving and quitting, even restarting my switch, and he has stayed in the same place. I even added a new villager to my island and deleted them. I tried using clean up services, and I tried using rescue services. I’ve also visited someone else’s island and had someone visit my island. Nothing seems to work.
Save and quit, or go in a building.

Try doing a multiplayer session.
Firstly I want to say this made me laugh. And secondly, I guess if all else fails, the most extreme thing you can do is simply wait for next week for CJ to possibly show up again.
I wonder if you time travel ahead, just a few minutes, that might change his position?