I have been terrible and not played my animal crossing for about a year! I got really far with it, I had loads of gold roses, I had two fully designed houses with rare furniture, Ruby, Julian and Stitches etc. I need some advice how would you go about playing it again with the right date? I don't mind time travelling back to then. Should I go back every 2 weeks or something until I get back to the right date? Or just throw myself in at the deep end and go for the whole year at once?
I kind of stopped because I had done everything....
Did you have beautiful town ordinance set up? If so I would just time travel back to the present date all at once. If not might pose a problem and you could lose all your flowers if you haven't all ready. I could help some with hybrids if you need some, you will have weeds and random regular flowers and move outs. Also I would install the ordinance right away time travel one day ahead if you don't have it then go back to present day.
im pretty sure TTing backwards always equals one day forward but TTing forward (For ex: Sept 25 to Sept 30) equals 5 days forward
(some people say otherwise)
I just did similar, I just looked back at my play stats and found when I last played and TT'd back to that day in the opening screen. To make your way back to the current date if you don't want to lose any of your villagers I would do it slowly just like 2 days at a time, but accurate date only really matters when there are holidays you want to do. I would make my rounds about the town, do my "chores" do a few favors, pull weeds etc. then jump a day forward, do it again, etc.etc. And I could go about a week each day doing it like that but it's tedious and for me the date being right doesn't really bug me.
I just tt back to the day I left off, or around it, if if you really want to get to this time of year, run around make sure noone is moving, and just tt to the date of today but back one yeah so october 1 2014 its safe :3
TT back to the day or before you last played (you could tt back 2 years just to be safe, it doesn't matter)
Make sure no one is moving
Then TT every day and check for someone to ping to move. deny their ping.
NOW you can TT to the current day, but NOT before. if you don't think anyone is moving but haven't denied a ping someone will still move. also it's a good idea to have beautiful town