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Help me pick my dreamies?


it's ya boy finn
Nov 24, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Winter Mittens
So, I've decided that I am going to restart Matcha for the 1/1 challenge, and that means an all-new set of villagers!

At first, I was thinking about a straight-up black-and-white theme, but I don't think that's gonna work out. There don't seem to be any jocks that fit... so I decided to use Carmen to add some brown, and started picking villagers that add some small touches of color here and there. (Y'all tell me that Carmen, Diana and Flurry don't look good together, seriously.).

Anyway, this is where you guys come in. I need help picking cranky, uchi, and jock villagers that will look good with the rest of my lineup.

My current picks:
Peppy - Carmen
Uchi - ??
Snooty - Diana
Normal - Kiki, Flurry
Lazy - Punchy
Smug - Jacques, Marshal
Cranky - ??
Jock - Genji?

I'm sort of very tentatively considering Butch as my cranky, but I'm not sure. Also, if you guys can think of villagers that would look better than the ones I've picked, I'm open for suggestions! The only must-haves here are Marshal, Jacques, Flurry, and Kiki. Thanks in advance for any help!
I know this would then be a third smug personality villager, but Colton might be a good choice.
For a cranky I would say either Peewee, Apollo or Hamphrey as they all fit the theme quite well, although you already have a hamster in Flurry so maybe Peewee or Apollo would fit nicely.

For an uchi I would have to say it's between Agnes, Muffy and Flo as they all have a black and white theme going for them. Personally I would pick Flo as she is the least popular of the three and therefore would be more unique to you, although I can see you like the more popular villagers (Marshal, Diana, Carmen etc.) so maybe you should go for Muffy instead, she sure does look unique.

I think Genji is a good choice for a jock and he adds some brown to the town which will match Carmen, since they have similar colours and are both Rabbits, although personally, I would go for Antonio since he has nice grey, black and white colours. Another pick could be Peck too, he is often overlooked by many..

Of course it's all up to you though...
Rolf would be a good cranky, he's black and white too and he's my favorite old man. And for an Uchi I would pick Muffy just because she is my fave ever!
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uchi - shari, hazel or pashmina

cranky - apollo, curt, fang, kabuki (with genji, if you plan on a zen area in your town), monty, rolf, tom, walt (same as kabuki), grizzly maybe

good luck!!!
Cool idea! I think Rolf would be a good cranky and Pashima would be a good uchi. And for jock maybe….Genji?
For your uchi, I'd chose one of the following:
- Cherry; a red, sassy-looking pup.
- Hazel; the squirrel with the monobrow (I don't know, I just like her :p)
- Katt; the yellow eyes kitty. (I like her too)
- Pheobe; the firey ostrich.

And for your cranky, and this is an obscure one, I'd reccomend Peewee. Hear me out here. My brother had a town when he was younger, and he fell in love with Peewee. Peewee then moved into my town, and my brother came to see him as often as he could. I'd love to see someone else love Peewee the way me and my brother did; he's a big softie really :').
These are all such great suggestions! A lot of these are villagers I might not have considered otherwise... I'll have to look them up and compare them against my current choices, see how they look together.

I do feel the need to note that I'm not remotely concerned with popularity. I do have some high-tier villagers picked, but it's because I like the way they look, or because I had them in previous towns and got attached. I wouldn't care if Marshal was suddenly a tier 5... I had him in the last version of Matcha, and he was my best, sweetest little buddy.
Maybe Tammy for an uchi? :) She is pretty cool if I say so myself ...
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