Help: Museum Design


Freshly Delivered Something Or Other
May 24, 2020
Orange (Fruit)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Cherry (Fruit)
My museum campus's design has been one I've been agonizing over for a while! I have an idea of what I want to go around it, but not the proper execution. I want a college outdoor lecture hall kind of deal to the left, and a seating area to the right. But what I have now looks simulataneously empty, yet cluttered at the same time.


What do you suggest I do with furniture placement, pathing, fencing, etc? I am open to any and all ideas for improvement.

Thanks in advance!
Unrelated, but there's a super cute design for museum stall, would be cool to use it as a museum shop.
Perhaps, for the area you envision as the lecture hall area, you could add some of the wooden lecture hall seats (I forget what the exact name for them is). The current vibe for me is more professor’s office. But I think it is a good idea! With the desk and podium at the front and a row or two of the seating I think it would have very strong classroom vibes (and perhaps without the scattered papers, though I think that is a fun detail)! Changing out the pathing/ flooring to wood would look more lecture hall-y but on the other hand I think the mucompound area you have made is very nice looking. Love the two ponds!

maybe you could also find some sort of design for a simple panel to look like a slide type presentation?

personally, I really dislike how the museum building looks and my new ‘design’ ideas for mine all involve me trying to hide it as much as possible, but I think your design is overall different and interesting.
Perhaps, for the area you envision as the lecture hall area, you could add some of the wooden lecture hall seats (I forget what the exact name for them is). The current vibe for me is more professor’s office. But I think it is a good idea! With the desk and podium at the front and a row or two of the seating I think it would have very strong classroom vibes (and perhaps without the scattered papers, though I think that is a fun detail)! Changing out the pathing/ flooring to wood would look more lecture hall-y but on the other hand I think the mucompound area you have made is very nice looking. Love the two ponds!

maybe you could also find some sort of design for a simple panel to look like a slide type presentation?

personally, I really dislike how the museum building looks and my new ‘design’ ideas for mine all involve me trying to hide it as much as possible, but I think your design is overall different and interesting.

Thanks for your advice! It looks better already with the lecture hall setup! The benches, etc. fill up space without seeming extraneous. Only thing is, I'm not sure if I should do the wood flooring like you suggested or keep the gray stone as is? Another thing is--I'm a huge fan of contrast, but is it a good thing with the desks? Should they all be the same color (dark brown or light brown) or should I keep them the way they are? :eek:

I like the matching desk, personally, since you do get some contrast with the podium being dark brown, which I love.

I like the flow of the arched tile (and it matches well with the stone and iron fencing, but if it is not too much trouble, maybe it would be worth looking at it with the classroom area redone with wood flooring? It would also give another contrast element.

this is really fun, I have no expertise, but happy to offer an alternate perspective! Please keep updating!