So quick question about the clients. I wanted to get Diana for my town but while playing HHP, I ran into her there and took her up to make her a vacation home. So, my question is, if I take her as a client, does that mean that if I were to get Diana for my own town then I wouldn't be able to invite her to the island because she's already on there?
Also, if I can't invite Diana from the town due to another Diana already existing on HHP, then does that mean I can't customize her home for the future? Or is customizing the home entirely separate? I assume the vacay home we made on HHP gets transfered to our town but is this false?
HHP is kinda separate from the main game, in the sense that designing houses for villager does not help or prevent you from getting them on your own island. You can still get Diana on your island. If she already was on your island hypothetically, you'd still be able to make her a vacation home in HHP. She would just show up in both places simultaneously. I have that happening with me right now for Ankha and Chai, since I gave them souvenir chocolates and made vacation homes for them. But they are still also on my island.
So yes, don't worry. Diana is still obtainable! You can't get her through HHP for your island though, you have to get her through the regular villager obtaining methods (mystery island, campsite, amiibo, random move-in, or from inviting her when she's in boxes on someone else's island).
So just make sure I got this correct, the two games are separate and are in no way affiliated with one another, so by that standard, I'm just still a tiny bit confused haha I understand that the Diana on HHP cannot be obtainable. No client on there is to my knowledge. However, like right now, I have Diana as a client on HHP. She has a vacay home and everything. So what happens if a Diana from my town wants to go to the island too?
There is already a Diana existing on HHP, so if I give chocolates to my Diana to go to HHP, will there will still be the one I got at random on HHP? Will both Dianas now be coexisting at the same time on different vacay homes or does the one Diana I found on HHP leave and the one I invited from my town is now currently there? Or am I misunderstanding haha
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Oh! Also! Does the home I make for my invited villager on HHP get transferred to my town or am I starting from scratch?
Yes, Diana will exist on both your island and HHP if you get her on your island. I haven't tried giving chocolates to Ankha or Chai again yet so I don't know what happens, but I assume it probably just counts as a regular gift now since I already made them HHP houses. I don't think you can make more than 1 vacation home for anybody. That's a good question though, I should try that later today! Hopefully someone else has already tried and can answer more definitively for you so you don't have to wait for me.
My guess is that the villager weirdness of being in 2 places at the same time is just because HHP probably reuses a lot of the 3DS Happy Home Designer code, when HHD was a standalone game. Nintendo did integrate HHP in to NH so we can make vacation homes for our villagers and take items home from HHP to our main island, but HHP still kinda feels like its own walled off garden in some ways. I like to pretend that our own island's villagers that we make vacation homes for on HHP just regularly go back and forth between their normal home and their vacation home. It makes it feel a little less strange.
Thank you so much! I appreciate it! I understand now haha Yeah, I wasn't sure how it would work if there were to be two of the same villager on HHP. Yeah, I like going back and forth too. It does make it feel more worthful. I'm also going to be doing that more too because if I have to redesign my villagers home from scratch I rather not because of how much effort I put into their vacay homes