Hamlet's Italian #1 lover
Is someone that can help me in Pok?mon X to complete the Pok?dex?Please!(I can't give anything..but pleeease.)
(you give me the Pok?mon,I immediataly give back that Pok?mon,so is registred in my Pok?dex,but is yours)
Pok?mon of Kanto region that I don't have:
Rattata - Spearow - Ekans - Arbok - Sandshrew - NidoranF&M - Nidorina - Golbat - Parasect - Venomoth - Persian - Psyduck - Golduck - Mankey - Primeape - Poliwag - Kadabra - Machoke - Bellsprout - Weepinpbell - Magneton - Doduo - Seel - Muk - Cloyster - Haunter - Drowzee - Voltrob - Electrode - Exeggcute - Marowak - Weezing - Rhydon - Tangela - Seadra - Horsea - Staryu - Omastar - Porygon - Dratini - Dragonair
Pok?mon of Kanto region that I don't have:
Croconaw - Ledian - Ariados - Spinarak - Togetic - Xatu - Sudowoodo - Wooper - Quagsire - Murkrow - Slowking - Misdreavaus - Aipom - Unown - Girafarig - Pineco - Gligar - Granbull - Magcargo - Swinub - Mantine - Kingdra - Porygon 2 - Stantler - Elekid - Magby - Larvitar - Pupitar
Pok?mon of Hoenn region that I don't have:
Wurmple - Silcoon - Cascoon - Shiftry - Taillow - Wingull - Surskit - Vigoroth - Makuhita - Skitty - Aron - Swalot - Carvanha - Sharpedo - Wailmer - Wailord - Numel - Cacturne - Swablu - Seviper - Barboach - Whiscash - Crawdant - Baltoy - Anorith - Dusclops - Wynaut - Snorunt - Glalie - Walrein - Spheal - Clamperl - Gorebyss - Huntail - Luvdisc - Shellgon - Beldum - Metang
Pok?mon of Sinnoh region that I don't have:
Staravia - Bibarel - Kricketot - Shinx - Luxio - Roserade - Cranidos - Rampardos - Sheldon - Vespiquen - Cherubi - Shellos - Glameow - Purugly - Stunky - Skuntank - Bronzor - Bonsly - Happiny - Chatot - Toxicroak - Mantyke - Finneon - Lumineon - Snover - Lickilicky - Rhyperior - Mamoswine - Propobass - Dusknoir - Azelf
Pok?mon of Unova region that I don't have:
Dewott - Patrat - Stoutland - Purrloin - Munna - Tranquill - Blitzle(Zebstrika's pre-evo) - Boldore - Swoobat - Drillbur - Conkelldurr - Timburr - Tympole - Troh - Sewaddle - Leavanny - Whirlpede - Whimmsicot - Basculin - Sandile - Krokorok - Darumaka - Maractus(can you gift me Maractus?Beacause I really love him,but I don't have a Maractus) - Scrafty - Scraggy - Yamask - Tirtouga - Carracosta - Archeops - Trubbish - Garbador - Gothita - Gothorita - Reuniclus - Swanna - Vannillish - Vannillite - Vannilluxe - Karrablast - Excavalier - Jellicent - Joltik - Ferroseed - Ferrothorn - Klink - Klang - Tynamo - Elektrik - Elektross - Elgyem - Litwick - Chandelure - Fraxure - Cubchoo - Cryogonal - Mienshao - Golett - Bouuffalant - Vullaby - Heatmor - Deino - Larvesta - Tornadus - Thundurus - Landorus
Pok?mon of Kalos region that I don't have:
Floette - Florges - Gogoat - Doublade - Spritzee - Aromatisse - Slurpuff - Binacle - Barbaracle - Skrelp - Dragalge - Clauncher - Clawtizer - Helioptile - Heliolisk - Aurorus - Dedenne(like Maractus,I don't have him but love him,can you gift me a Dedenne?) - Goodra - Bergmite - Avalugg
Thanks to [user] for [pokemon]:
-user of another forum- for: Machop - Electabuzz - Snorlax - Crobat - Chinchou - Yanma - Shuckle - Tyrouge - Raikou - Nincada - Milotic - Starly - Heatran - Manaphy - Aegislash - Goomy - Ylveltal
Thanks for help!
IGN: Midori
3DS: S
Is someone that can help me in Pok?mon X to complete the Pok?dex?Please!(I can't give anything..but pleeease.)
(you give me the Pok?mon,I immediataly give back that Pok?mon,so is registred in my Pok?dex,but is yours)
Pok?mon of Kanto region that I don't have:
Rattata - Spearow - Ekans - Arbok - Sandshrew - NidoranF&M - Nidorina - Golbat - Parasect - Venomoth - Persian - Psyduck - Golduck - Mankey - Primeape - Poliwag - Kadabra - Machoke - Bellsprout - Weepinpbell - Magneton - Doduo - Seel - Muk - Cloyster - Haunter - Drowzee - Voltrob - Electrode - Exeggcute - Marowak - Weezing - Rhydon - Tangela - Seadra - Horsea - Staryu - Omastar - Porygon - Dratini - Dragonair
Pok?mon of Kanto region that I don't have:
Croconaw - Ledian - Ariados - Spinarak - Togetic - Xatu - Sudowoodo - Wooper - Quagsire - Murkrow - Slowking - Misdreavaus - Aipom - Unown - Girafarig - Pineco - Gligar - Granbull - Magcargo - Swinub - Mantine - Kingdra - Porygon 2 - Stantler - Elekid - Magby - Larvitar - Pupitar
Pok?mon of Hoenn region that I don't have:
Wurmple - Silcoon - Cascoon - Shiftry - Taillow - Wingull - Surskit - Vigoroth - Makuhita - Skitty - Aron - Swalot - Carvanha - Sharpedo - Wailmer - Wailord - Numel - Cacturne - Swablu - Seviper - Barboach - Whiscash - Crawdant - Baltoy - Anorith - Dusclops - Wynaut - Snorunt - Glalie - Walrein - Spheal - Clamperl - Gorebyss - Huntail - Luvdisc - Shellgon - Beldum - Metang
Pok?mon of Sinnoh region that I don't have:
Staravia - Bibarel - Kricketot - Shinx - Luxio - Roserade - Cranidos - Rampardos - Sheldon - Vespiquen - Cherubi - Shellos - Glameow - Purugly - Stunky - Skuntank - Bronzor - Bonsly - Happiny - Chatot - Toxicroak - Mantyke - Finneon - Lumineon - Snover - Lickilicky - Rhyperior - Mamoswine - Propobass - Dusknoir - Azelf
Pok?mon of Unova region that I don't have:
Dewott - Patrat - Stoutland - Purrloin - Munna - Tranquill - Blitzle(Zebstrika's pre-evo) - Boldore - Swoobat - Drillbur - Conkelldurr - Timburr - Tympole - Troh - Sewaddle - Leavanny - Whirlpede - Whimmsicot - Basculin - Sandile - Krokorok - Darumaka - Maractus(can you gift me Maractus?Beacause I really love him,but I don't have a Maractus) - Scrafty - Scraggy - Yamask - Tirtouga - Carracosta - Archeops - Trubbish - Garbador - Gothita - Gothorita - Reuniclus - Swanna - Vannillish - Vannillite - Vannilluxe - Karrablast - Excavalier - Jellicent - Joltik - Ferroseed - Ferrothorn - Klink - Klang - Tynamo - Elektrik - Elektross - Elgyem - Litwick - Chandelure - Fraxure - Cubchoo - Cryogonal - Mienshao - Golett - Bouuffalant - Vullaby - Heatmor - Deino - Larvesta - Tornadus - Thundurus - Landorus
Pok?mon of Kalos region that I don't have:
Floette - Florges - Gogoat - Doublade - Spritzee - Aromatisse - Slurpuff - Binacle - Barbaracle - Skrelp - Dragalge - Clauncher - Clawtizer - Helioptile - Heliolisk - Aurorus - Dedenne(like Maractus,I don't have him but love him,can you gift me a Dedenne?) - Goodra - Bergmite - Avalugg
Thanks to [user] for [pokemon]:
-user of another forum- for: Machop - Electabuzz - Snorlax - Crobat - Chinchou - Yanma - Shuckle - Tyrouge - Raikou - Nincada - Milotic - Starly - Heatran - Manaphy - Aegislash - Goomy - Ylveltal
Thanks for help!
IGN: Midori
3DS: S
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