Giveaway Henry the Smug Frog is in boxes!

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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2018
100% (9) +
Henry is moving out and I'd really like for him to go to a good home!

He's completely free but is not original.
His shirt has been changed and his house probably isn't entirely original either.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you want him!

Thanks guys!
Hey is Henry still available? My buddy just started playing acnl and I think he’d love this lil dude.
Hey sorry, I talked to Henry to check the date he was going to leave then he basically told me he wasn't moving. He's still in my town but now Nana the Monkey is leaving instead of Henry :'
alright Henry is ready to move again! He's moving on the 31st, but I can TT for anyone who wants him now!
aaaa, i would love him if nobody's taken him yet! i would have to add you on my second town, though
sure! I'm completely fine with that, he's not original though, is that okay?

I think his house isn't original

and his shirt is the green duck shirt.

But I would love for him to go to a good home <3
Hey, sorry for only just getting back to you. That’s okay! I don’t mind if he’s unoriginal as I can probably replace the stuff in his house anyway. :)
Alright I'd love for you to take him! I'm available tonight after work which is around 8:30 P.M. Central time! let me know if this can't work out and I'll figure out a different time for you to pick him up!
I'm honestly thinking of convincing him to stay again. As much as I want him to move out I want him to have a good home even more!
Unfortunately Henry has been voided, :(( I'm so sorry for everyone who wanted him, I'm pretty sure there's a user on here that has his card and I'm hoping you can get him that way, good luck to everyone !
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