Here comes Mo to say "Hello"


Junior Member
Jun 20, 2013
I'm pretty happy to find a New Leaf forum that seems active but not overwhelming, and with a chat. I have a few personal friends with the game, but hey! I've always wanted to make buddies over Animal Crossing, one of my favorite series, and I never have been able to (wifi in Wild World didn't work, and I never did get to play City Folk) so, here I am!
Although I am new to wirelessly visiting towns, I'm not at all new to the AC franchise. I've had Wild World since it was new, and I previously owned Population: Growing. As such, I'm extremely excited about the new game! And I'm hoping you will share it with me!

Call me Momo! I'm a pacifistic gamer with extreme loyalty to Nintendo (I do play some Sega and Playstation- definitely no Xbox!). I play the ukulele and sing, and I'm really hoping to be an entomologist one day! Bugs are one of my favorite things, but don't worry-- I don't bite (or sting!) so chat with me if you'd like!

In New Leaf, my native fruits are apples, but I have all of them (including island ones, not including persimmons) if you need any. Other than that, I don't have much to offer; Kicks is being built and Nookling Junction is scheduled for renovations tomorrow; but if you don't mind, I'd love to have you over!