Herro my new frands!


Senior Member
May 4, 2016
Orange Candy
Purple Candy
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Hi everyone! Im new here! My name is Pixi and Im 28. The first AC game I played was WW, and I now play NL! Ive been playing off an on for a bit over a year and a half now, and my museum/picture book is almost complete! I need 2 more deep sea creatures, 2 more fossils, 16 more fish, 20 more bugs, and most of Redds art (unfortunately I slacked there).

I almost have the full mermaid set, I have the full ice/snow set, almost the full balloon set, and my house is almost as big as it can be. My entire upper city is complete except for the department store and the psychic shop.

My favorite resident is Beau, and I really dislike the jock villagers. My native fruit is orange, but I do have all of the fruits... I just havent planted them yet. I spend most of my time fishing and catching beetles on the island. Though lately Ive started putting down paths in my town, so thats been fun.

My dream code is 4000-4949-2372 and youre welcome to come visit me! :) I look forward to getting to know all of you better and posting some more when I get the chance!