Hey everyone!


Junior Member
Aug 17, 2019
Hello everyone, I am Rianne I am 22 years old and I'm kind off new to forums. I'm a big AC fan. I played AC Wild World when I was a kid and I really enjoyed that back in the days. I am Dutch and I couldn't read English when I was a kid, so I learned it a lot from that game! When I stopped playing AC WW I thought there were no other AC games made after that game. But I was wrong haha. Since April this year I play AC New Leaf Welcome Amiibo, and I just love it <3 I found myself playing it almost everyday and I can't wait for AC New Horizons to come out.

I would love to visit someone's town some day! Never done that because I don't have friends who play Animal Crossing, lol. So if someone would teach me that some day I would appreciate that! Please don't mind my English, it is not always in the correct grammar :p Still learning!

Thanks for reading, have a nice day or night, wherever you are :p

Mayor Rianne
Welcome Rianne! Enjoy it here on the forums ! :)

We're all so excited for New Horizons so share the hype with us hehe!
Also a lot of people are still playing New Leaf so check the section of the forums dedicated to it if you wanna find some friends or trade!
Welcome to The Bell Tree, Rianne! I hope you enjoy it here. There's a lot of people who like to open their gates here to meet new people, so I'm sure you won't have any trouble visiting other towns.
Always welcome!

I always welcome others to my humble town of Hollow! Don?t have everything and I?m expecting nothing! Just looking for friendly people to visit my town and allowing me to respectfully visit theirs. I?m looking for persimmons, but they?re NOT expected! I wish you well! Add me, I?ll add you!;)
Your English is perfectly fine with me! I'm also looking for new active peeps to play with on this game, as I slowly build my zen-themed town! :3
welcome to the forums! i can play with you some days, so you can add me if you'd like!