Hey guys!


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2013
Can't believe Leah wasn't taken. I can never manage to get my name in forums and I don't really like being called anything else.

I've been a player of AC since the gamecube era. I could only play using my older sister's system and it drove me crazy waiting for her to be finished so I could have my turn. I've played every other game after that. Wild World I didn't play that much at all, I think because of the graphics. City Folk I played more but I played the original the most. The new game is certainly on its way to changing that, though.

No one I know IRL plays the new AC and I've been pretty hesitant about seeking out people to play with, partly because of the chance of griefers, but mostly because I get sort of anxious with strangers even over text-chat video games u-u So please don't be offended if I don't exchange codes immediately, I'm just a shy little thang.

But the people here seem pretty chill and respectful, so I'm interested in joining in and seeing what comes of it. Thanks everyone~
Hey there Leah! Thank you for the thorough intro- I know 2x Leahs which are friends, both nice, shy, quirky, artistic, motivated, sooo, quite normal right? You could be the 3rd! =) If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Should you req. any fruit & tools, send me a PM!
Welcome! I'm on the same page as you. Starting to play AC since the gamecube era. If you'd like to venture to a trusty town, just let me know. I open my doors to friendly and trustworthy individuals. Happy playing!
Edit: eh, I'm seeing things. Please ignore the original post !
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There are lots of cool names that aren't taken yet. It's pretty neat, baha. Welcome Leah!