Hey Hey hey fellow ACNL players!


Senior Member
May 22, 2015
January Birthstone (Garnet)
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Hey all, known about these forums for over a year but always hesitated to sign up and join, my name is Chris and I live in the UK in Hertfordshire, I got into Animal Crossing series when I heard about Animal Crossing Wild World way back in 2005, played that game to absolute death and then I heard about city folk coming out on the wii and played that thing until I was blue in the face and I played it so much the disc died, and now I have come full circle, I have owned New Leaf since January 2015 (since getting a nintendo DS XL for my birthday) but upon purchasing it and scouring the net for other UK players to meet I found that there was where I lost. I have since been through about 5 towns (reason is I get bored of playing and leave it for weeks then come back to it only to find my town is weed infested, all my favourite villagers have left and I get too lazy to tidy the town up and therefore I reset it).

My current town info:

Town Name: Dagobah (yes I am a star wars nerd)
Town mayor: Chris
Fruit: Apples -.- (I prefer pears or oranges)
House: Tent stage (I arrived in Dagobah earlier this week)

I would LOVE to find some lovely UK players to greet and get to know so we can swap towns and fruit etc :p
Hello Chris! c= Welcome to TBT! c= It's not too hard to find UK players, you can just poke around in the train station thread and I'm sure you'll find somebody ^^
thanks Cupcake, yes I have already posted a thread, hopefully people will be nice and reply :p where are you from yourself?
wow looking back at this, is funny, its odd to think its almost been a year that I've been part of The Bell Tree, but I don't regret it at all :p
I'm a lonely American. :')
Jokes aside, welcome to yet another cesspool of the internet The Bell Tree.
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to ACNL, I'm really enjoying it so far and I'd love to make new friends. I'm currently using my bf's 3DS until I get my own, but I'm on it often when I have free time. Feel free to add and visit my bf's town. Loving this game!, from the US by the way.
Welcome to the forums! Feel free to check out my story Tom Nook: The Story! Sorry I live in US