Hey all, known about these forums for over a year but always hesitated to sign up and join, my name is Chris and I live in the UK in Hertfordshire, I got into Animal Crossing series when I heard about Animal Crossing Wild World way back in 2005, played that game to absolute death and then I heard about city folk coming out on the wii and played that thing until I was blue in the face and I played it so much the disc died, and now I have come full circle, I have owned New Leaf since January 2015 (since getting a nintendo DS XL for my birthday) but upon purchasing it and scouring the net for other UK players to meet I found that there was where I lost. I have since been through about 5 towns (reason is I get bored of playing and leave it for weeks then come back to it only to find my town is weed infested, all my favourite villagers have left and I get too lazy to tidy the town up and therefore I reset it).
My current town info:
Town Name: Dagobah (yes I am a star wars nerd)
Town mayor: Chris
Fruit: Apples -.- (I prefer pears or oranges)
House: Tent stage (I arrived in Dagobah earlier this week)
I would LOVE to find some lovely UK players to greet and get to know so we can swap towns and fruit etc
My current town info:
Town Name: Dagobah (yes I am a star wars nerd)
Town mayor: Chris
Fruit: Apples -.- (I prefer pears or oranges)
House: Tent stage (I arrived in Dagobah earlier this week)
I would LOVE to find some lovely UK players to greet and get to know so we can swap towns and fruit etc