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Shiny Shiny Engine

Contact me on vrchat @nostmemoriess
Dec 4, 2021
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Pear (Fruit)
Snow Angel Snowman
Tin Robot
Bee Plush
Hello! My name is cola, or known as nostalgicmemoriess on other platforms, i've owned all the animal crossing games! (except amiibo festival, ju-just no, and i returned city folk cause i was disapointed with the city feature.)
I've played for almost 4 years with New Leaf, and AC in general,

My favorite AC game list has to be (from best to worst is)
1 : new horizions
2 : wild world
3 : happy home designer
4 : new leaf
5 : population growing
6 : pocket camp
7 : city folk

I hope to enjoy this forum!
Welcome to TBT! Glad you decided to join! I see that you have HHD ranked as your third favorite Animal Crossing game, so I was wondering if you're enjoying Happy Homes Paradise in New Horizons?
Welcome to the forums! 🎉

You've played so many AC games! Do you have a favourite villager?
My favorite villager HAS to be bluebear, she just moved into my wild world town and i am ESTATIC, since she was in my OG new leaf.
and I am happy about happy home paradise (oops! a pun)
Welcome to TBT! I noticed you mentioned you weren't a fan of the city mechanic in CF, do you feel the same way about Harv's plaza in NH?
Personally, i make mini films sometimes in harv's plaza so it has purposes but the city felt very bland, no customization, its all the same no matter what town, i feel like if maybe if new leaf added that back and you could BUILD the city area, maybe it couldve been well but the city mechanic was very bland and couldve been used in smarter ways, such as real time online players also exploring the city and shopping together would've been nice!
such as real time online players also exploring the city and shopping together would've been nice!
I can agree with that, the ability to meet other players online in real time in sort of a "city lobby" would've been REALLY cool actually!
if only nintendo, well. did that

would've certain things like trading easier by saying "im at city plaza A1 ( if they'd have different servers which doubt) and you could meet new people!
I feel like if this were to be done there'd be two options, either you'd be connected to a random server or you could enter a code to go to a specific server for trading purposes or to chill with someone you know (think like DODO codes). However, if this were how the city was implemented, then the city would likely stop work entirely when the multiplayer servers for the Wii were killed off thanks to the death of GameSpy