Hey ! I'm new in the forum ^-^


Senior Member
Feb 1, 2014
Hey guys !

I'm new in the forum *-* ! I'm french, and I would like to go to a english forum to change a little ! And also for have new animal crossing new leaf's items *-* !
Di you have any advices or other ? ;)

I hope i'm gonna have fun with you :D
(My english is understable ^^")

So, good bye and good game :)
You speak great English ^^'

I learn French at school and I really enjoy it c:

J'adore Animal Crossing. Au revoir et merci ^u^
Your English is outstanding ^_^ really fluent

If you need any AC related advice feel free to send me a message :)
Thank you very much every body ! You're so kind *-*

Mayor Avalon : Your french is very goog ^^
This forum is very friendly :D

Takoya : Did you learn french too x) ?
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Bonjour! J'adore Animal Crossing.

uh i don't know a lot of French haha. Au revoir!
Hey !

Jelly beans : Thank you very much haha

I have a question : How can i put an avatar for my profil ?
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Hello Sarah, how are you?

I am European myself, German to be exact but part of my family is African and moved to France a few years ago. :) I will visit them in Paris this summer. That's what I hope anyway.

Most people here are very friendly so I'm sure you will have a good time with us. :D

For your Avatar: Go to Settings on top of the page and afterwards to Edit Avatar on the left side.
Welcome! You're English is can be understood . . . but you can still make it better!

This forum is generally friendly though, so your grammar shouldn't be a big problem. I sometimes suck at English too (;^^)
Welcome to TBT I am learning French in school. Also, your English is very good.
Welcome!! :) I hope you enjoy your stay here. There are tons of very kind people here who are always willing to share what they know and have! :)