After months of lurking I've decided to make an account! I suppose for a bit about myself: I'm a 22 year old girl and I've had animal crossing since it first came out way back on the gamecube.
Unfortunately I don't have my 3ds yet! I bought the ACNL pack from gamestop and so I can't give everyone a friendcode yet, boo. :c I do have a tumblr for my animal crossing game, though! Is there anywhere I can post that to follow others on the forum who also have a tumblr?
Can't WAIT to get this game tomorrow and add some new friends!
Unfortunately I don't have my 3ds yet! I bought the ACNL pack from gamestop and so I can't give everyone a friendcode yet, boo. :c I do have a tumblr for my animal crossing game, though! Is there anywhere I can post that to follow others on the forum who also have a tumblr?
Can't WAIT to get this game tomorrow and add some new friends!