Hey there!


Beardy Bear
Feb 28, 2012
Small Mailbox
Kid with a beard here. 27 and still playing games. What can I say, I have Peter Pan syndrome.

Anyway, I WAS registered to the OTHER forum for a while until they made a rule that you can't have an account with a freemail account attached (gmail, yahoo, hotmail), so I have packed my stuff and moved over HERE after being a 7 year member from over THERE. (yes, I'm bitter, leave me alone)

So...how's the AC community? still going strong? I would imagine with AC: 3DS coming out. I already have that pre-ordered. So far neither Wild World or City Folk have stepped up to the plate compared to the original AC...so I still have my skepticism.

So, anyway....hi.
Welcome, welcome. Animal Crossing is still very popular here, most everyone is excited for AC:3DS and there are still plenty of people playing City Folk and Wild World. I also agree that the original beats both, but I imagine that AC:3DS will be a good game.
lol what kind of rule doesn't allow you to have a freemail account? That sounds so stupid ==

anyways, hello and welcome to animal crossing forum. Can't wait for the game to come out on 3DS.. so excited :p
Wewcome! (I'm literally a kid with a beard XD) i wish to be like you! (still playing AC at 27) I'm glad not just kids play the game!, cause when I'm 40 i will still be playing aha!
Welcome to the Bell Tree Twinretro! Activity on the forums has picked up in the last few weeks. We are glad to have you! Please enjoy your stay and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

PS I think a lot of us have the Peter Pan Syndrome lol
Wewcome! (I'm literally a kid with a beard XD) i wish to be like you! (still playing AC at 27) I'm glad not just kids play the game!, cause when I'm 40 i will still be playing aha!

If you're 27...Why does your profile say you're 15..?
If you're 27...Why does your profile say you're 15..?

About Twinretro

BiographyEdit Value
27, a father, and an Animal Crossing addict.

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Las Vegas, NV

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Wild World

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Where does it say that? I have my birthday on my profile. Forum bug maybe?
I think Kip was quoting bits from the original post and putting them in brackets. It confused me at first too.

As for age, I'm 20 and still play AC. So it's cool to see even more older members.

Animal Crossing is a game I will play forever. It's never ending, there will always be something to do.

As for Kip, his profile says he is 15. He posted that he was 27. :confused:
All you young-uns <shakes head>, I'm 38, proud of it, and never going to stop playing AC.

Welcome to the forum! I look forward to seeing you on the boards :D
There's no age restriction on Animal Crossing. :p
I'm seventeen and I still play it every now and then! (The GCN version more, however.)
Welcome to the forums! Hope you have a great time! And don't run on the grass...
There's no age restriction on Animal Crossing. :p
I'm seventeen and I still play it every now and then! (The GCN version more, however.)

I'm glad people still play the gamecube version, it's the best in my opinion. I'm thinking of restarting it to hold me over until AC:3DS.