
Senior Member
Nov 12, 2008
Tasty Cake
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
Hey, So I havnt played ACCF in such a long time but im starting to pick it up again. I have every fruit in my town. I have full house upgrade and nook's is fully upgraded. I do time travel BUT not very often at all. Right now its the correct date, I am looking for new friends since all my old friends either have stopped playing also or took me off their list since I have not played forever. So I am looking for players who are fun, and play LOTS. Thanks. Add me and post ur friend code here and ill message you when I add you.
Holy *censored.2.0* . Did you rise from the dead or something? XD No offense though, but it's been a long time since I've seen you.
Jojo I certainly do not remember you, or IcezTar or Nikoking LOL but Its been awhile. But I remember cooler!
Well, I remember you b/c you used to hang out with my brother Chip, He doesn't play anymore though..
I think you're the right person I'm talking about xD
oh my goshz phil I SEE YOU EVERYWHERE >:O its either youre haunting me or im stalking you without noticing

btw hi harrison :3 i once had a friend called harris and he had wii speak

if you want me on your list feel free to pm me
my fc is in my siggy btw V
btw phil
put the tiger into your siggy please Ow< my smily is having a *****
nah lolz
i dont like it xD
and im not posting anymore
here dont want to spam xD